Image from the Lovers’ Guide video download Sexual Positions
Sex may feel like a workout sometimes, but just how many calories are you actually burning under the sheets?
Researchers first posed that question in 1984, in a paper published in the Archives of Internal Medicine concluding that sex equated to light-to-moderate exercise. Several more studies since then have found similar conclusions.
In other words, if you’re looking to burn a lot of calories over a short period of time, hit the gym, not the bed.
That said, there are some ways to boost the physical intensity of sex to shed a few more calories than you otherwise might. There are also other benefits to having sex than just pleasure and calorie loss [ … ]
Sex, like any exercise, burns calories, but are we really thinking of weight-loss when we want to have sex? If you’re needing to lose weight, and maybe get a little muscle-definition, get ye on a diet and to the gym! (This will in turn help your sex life.) That said, the more energetic sex positions will burn more calories – as well as being physically more demanding. Women-on-top sex positions burn more for her. Standing sex positions can be good exercise for both of you. For more information, try this Lovers’ Guide article: Sex Positions That Help Burn Calories | Get Fitter And Leaner Between The Sheets.
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